APS Spectroscopy Group
Sector-20 ID and BM Beamlines, & Sector-9 BM

at the Advanced Photon Source

Argonne National Laboratory
Sector-9 BM Orientation
General communication at 9-BM and APS


9-BM phone and handsets
Phone number: (630)252-1482
Argonne internal call: dial ext 2####
To call outside of Argonne campus: add 7-1 before dialing your number, e.g. 7-1-630-123-4567

9-BM beamline scientists and how to reach them
George Sterbinsky: (630)252-6673 or internal ext 26673

Floor coordinators and how to reach them
APS floor coordinators are working in shifts, and they are important information resources.
You can call their pager by dialing 20101 with beamline phone, then an auto machine will ask you to input beamline extension 21482. Hang up after input, the on-duty floor coordinator will call our beamline within minutes.

Public communication system
All important announcements in APS will be made through a public broadcast. Please pay attention whenever there is an announcement, as this could relate to you or your experiments.

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Sector 20 and 9-BM operations are supported by the US Department of Energy and the Canadian Light Source.
Privacy and Security Notice APS Phonebook